The first step I had was to select the fabrics. Absolutely ages ago I had received some fabric from one of my grandmas. This was pre-cut, pre-sorted, buy-in-a-cardboard-and-plastic package fabric. The 'squares' weren't exactly square but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I'm guessing that at various points I had tried to construct something out of these because after I had dug them out of a rather dusty Roughneck tub, I found them pinned together and sorted by color, mostly. I decided to continue with this and sort them not only by color, but also pattern of fabric.
So after sorting out these various 'squares' I began sewing. After about 10 minutes I had my first block. Megan rejoiced!
And so with a will, I went onto the rest of my project. Planning out blocks, putting fabrics together and sewing away to my heart's content. Sadly though, with all of this rather unexpected gung-ho-ness I forgot one of the first rules of sewing my mother ever taught me. Right-sides together. No, this doesn't mean you can never sew on the left edge of fabric. This means that you want to make sure that all the pretty sides of your fabric are showing, once the quilt is complete. Sadly, this rule was broken as is represented in the picture below. Please note how the fabric on the right square does not exactly match the fabric on the left square even though they're supposed to be the exact same.
However, I was not to be deterred. I corrected my mistake and continued on with my project. After a few hours I was rewarded with a lovely quilt top which I am quite pleased with. On Monday, mom is supposed to go thrift shopping and pick up a couple old denim skirts for me. I plan to split the skirts and use them to back my blanket to add durability and warmth to it. I'm hoping that the finishing of this project will be taken up with as much zeal as the start of it was.
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