it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

Friday, February 19, 2010

Survival Part 2 - Monsters you don't know, Alien Invasion and Mythical Creatures

Since my last part gained such popularity I thought I should continue and describe the next step in surviving a horror. This next part will be if you were to find yourself in a rather super-horror state of things. Such as, alien invasion, or finding yourself trapped/sucked into another world. The rules here are a little different from a zombie attack but some of the general principles are the same.

1) Never assume. We all know what that does. Mainly in this point though it makes you think that that cute doglike creature is just a friendly pet. In reality it's a brain sucking, flesh melting, monster. You wanna scratch its ears? Yeah sure, go for it. I'll be back here waiting. Once you get your face melted, you can come back and tell me I was right.

2) Keep your friends close, keep your weapons closer. Don't split up, there is strength in numbers. The more eyes watching out for you, the less likely you are to be surprised. As for your weapons, hold onto them! If your spaceship crashes, get your weapons first! Food second. If the aliens crash land, the first thing you should do is open up your basement 'rec room'* (*code for gun safe) and get prepared. If you get sucked into another world, make yourself a weapon. Fashion a spear, club, something.

3) Don't be too quick to trust. If they're smart enough to build a space ship and fly across the universe, they're smart enough to try and trick you and gain your confidence. Think about it folks.

4) Unless you really know what you're doing, avoid the politics. Once again, if they are smart enough to have their own society, they're going to have some kind of political system. This means that there will be competition. Unless you know 110% you can work this to your advantage. Don't side with people! I don't care how pathetic their plea is. Unless you know they're going to win, you're going to be fried!!

5) Diplomacy is overrated.

6) Once again, if you're lucky enough to hear the music for your horror, pay attention. Intense music = Bad things are going to happen.

7) Tin foil hats will not help you. Big guns will.

8) As noble as it would be to try and invade the enemy base after they've captured your friend, don't do it. They've most likely eaten/liquified him already.

9) This one kinda falls into the stick together thing, but you shouldn't try to be the daring solo artist. This usually doesn't end well. Unless of course you're the best looking person in the party and seem to have ridiculous good luck. Then you're probably okay. (the good looks and good luck will be further explained in a later part)

10) Don't wear red. And make sure everybody knows your name

I hope that these nine tips will help all of you next time you look up to the sky and realize that that shiny star is actually a flying spaceship hurtling down to destroy all man. While they may not match exactly for the whole 'waking up in another world' scenario, they do work pretty well. So keep these in mind and survival part 3 should be coming soon.

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