it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

Friday, April 22, 2011

Journal Covers

So as anyone who knows me well can tell you, I'm slightly obsessed with journals. There is just something about the opportunity and potential that all those blank pages posses. However, something that can really kill the excitement of a journal is an ugly journal cover. Now, sadly I forgot to take any 'before' pictures, but I can tell you that the cover of this book was ugly. Really ugly. A rather gross green color (there are only a few shades of green that I dislike but this was certainly one of them) with strange flowers and cupid/angel heads and yeah... Very creepy, very odd - not a good journal cover. What could I do? Well am I not my mother's daughter? I gathered my supplies, let my creativity flow, and fixed that journal!
Needle, thread, fabric.. Check!

Voila! New journal cover! I really like the patch-work
rough-around-the-edges feel of this too. I think it's a nice
change from the typical 'well-polished' semi-posh covers that you
see a lot now. It just seems to fit the whole aspect of where I was
and what was going on in my life when I made it.

The theme for my journal. Love hopes. Always.

1 comment:

  1. Love your make it over attitude. There is a life lesson in there somewhere. When life gives you lemons.... Of course, Mom would say, when life gives you scraps, make a quilt. :)
