it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

Thursday, August 18, 2011


"It was said in ancient times that when two lovers
sat beneath such a moon, their souls were bound
together for eternity." - Anne Shirley
My friends this entry isn't going to be particularly funny or humorous. I'm not going to be updating you on my life or telling any crazy stories. I will instead, as the title says, be rambling. However I think that this is a topic worth rambling about so please stick with me and continue reading. I heard a quote the other day that said, "If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they'd live life a lot differently." I can't help  but agree with that quote. Not because the stars have some mystical power, but because we need to keep things in perspective. I think if people looked at the stars, or really did stop and smell the roses, or honestly just sat and enjoyed the summer breeze with some lemonade, or still tried to catch fireflies or butterflies, then life would be a lot different. Instead though we convince ourselves that we are "too busy" to do things like that and so we go about our lives and we miss the point. In reality we aren't "too busy" we just have "busy work" that we fill our life with. Yes there is a time and a place for everything but I mean honestly, is the world going to end if we don't put the perfect dinner on the table each night? How about rather than stress about cooking the perfect dinner, we instead make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and use the rest of the time to pack our picnic basket and take our family on an adventure? Won't they remember that a whole lot more than a months worth of perfect dinners? There are so many times in life that we miss out on the small stuff cause we think we know better, but when the years pass and we look back the things we remember as special and important are the small stuff. There are only two things in life that really matter. Only two. I can tell you what they aren't for sure. Its not our paycheck, its not our clothes, its not our car, its not our house, its not the food we eat, its not the places we go. All of those are important by the worlds standards, they are important by a "busy" standards. But they aren't important by God's standards. God only asks us to do two things. Just two. "And He said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself'." (Matthew 22:37-39) That's pretty simple isn't it? We are meant to love God and to love others. So what does staring at stars and pondering caterpillars have to do with this? How are we to know how great the Creator is, unless we first take a look at His creation? He put it there so that we could know how great He is! I mean take a look at Psalm 19:1-6 or Romans 1:19-20. God put these things in place so that we might better know and understand Him! So why is it that we ignore them? Why does a blooming rose not cause us to stop and stare? Why does a bird soaring in the heavens not cause our heart to soar with it? Shouldn't we be moved to joy and wonder when we look at creation? My friend and I were talking the other day about the fact that the question of life is not one of "why" but rather one of "why not". We aren't called to question life, we are called to live it. So get out there. Live the life God has given you. Smell the roses, pick the daisies, chase a butterfly. Stare at the stars tonight and marvel at the creation God has put in place. Go blow bubbles. Make somebody's day by taking them on a picnic. Love God, Love others. Life is good, so why not?

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